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Protecting Your Home from Fires: The Importance of Fire Guard Roller Shutters

the importance of fire guard roller shutters

Fire guard roller shutters offer incredible protection for your home against the devastating effects of blazes. 

Acting as vertical barriers, the shutters can be fitted during construction or installed into existing structures over windows, doors and walls at strategic points like stairwells, corridors, and entrances to high-risk zones prone to fires. This means you can install fire shutters in your existing home, even after completion.

While the primary purpose of such fire shutters is to prevent flames and smoke from rapidly spreading through the home and help to separate and protect escape routes for safe evacuation, they can also enhance overall security by deterring unwanted intruders. However, the core function of fire shutters is to act as a prolonged fire curtain.

Especially important for commercial and industrial properties, certified fire shutters ensure adherence to fire safety regulations, as the building legislation in Australia requires stringent fire safety measures to provide a secure environment for employees, customers, and visitors. Constructed from fire-resistant galvanised or stainless steel, the shutters must conform to the latest BCA requirement and certification for their intended application.

Let’s take a closer look at the many reasons why fire guard roller shutters are a necessity in domestic and commercial buildings, and if you would like to know more about how to safeguard your home during a storm, head to this blog on our website.

Ensuring Human Safety

Unquestionably, the primary advantage of fire shutters lies in their ability to safeguard human lives and pets before the fire becomes a dangerous threat. By isolating and compartmentalising the blaze to a specific area, these shutters effectively restrict the spreading of smoke and flames throughout the home. They grant invaluable additional time to evacuate the building safely, thereby minimising the potential for sustaining injuries, inhaling hazardous smoke, or tragically losing one’s life.

Enhanced Protection

Unfortunately, a fire can destroy a home in minutes, causing incalculable damage to the building and interior. Unlike regular shutters, fire shutters are engineered to provide vital added protection by containing blazes for a specified fire-resistance period, some up to 4 hours – twice as long as fire curtains. Commonly integrated with smoke detectors and alarm systems, these shutters provide an early warning system that can save precious minutes in an emergency.

Radiant Heat Control

Installing fire shutters between rooms with larger amounts of flammable materials, such as the garage or kitchen, can help prevent the spread of potential home fires and provide peace of mind to you as a homeowner. By identifying any possible hazards and blocking the transfer of extreme heat that could ignite combustible materials, such as gasoline, chemicals or electric fires caused by faulty kitchen appliances, you are best prepared against unexpected fire breakouts.

Added Security

Although designed for fire safety, the heavy-duty construction of fire guard roller shutters also provides enhanced safety measures by deterring break-ins when shut at entry points or installed in places such as stairwells or hallways. In other words, the shutters can also act as a physical barrier against forced entry, making them an effective deterrent against burglars and unwanted intruders.

Cost Savings

Properly installed and well-maintained fire shutters demonstrate robust protection, which can lower insurance premiums. By mitigating fire damage risks in areas prone to bushfires, you show insurers that you are doing all that you can to prevent major claims. Investing in these shutters as preventative measures, you can potentially recoup the initial costs through long-term savings on insurance premiums and reduce repair expenses in the event of a fire.

Automatic Activation  

Commonly hooked up to the main control system, fire shutters immediately act as protective barriers when a sensor detects high levels of smoke or heat anywhere in the house, closing automatically without human intervention. This automated mechanism ensures a rapid response at the first sign of fire, and if power fails due to a short circuit, the shutters can still be manually pulled down to maintain protection.

Discrete Installation

Don’t let the robust nature of these shutters fool you – fire guard roller shutters can be installed almost invisibly with little aesthetic impact on your home’s appearance. The compact shutters remain virtually invisible when retracted, so the safety appliance does not disturb the interior of the property with an obtrusive industrial look.

BAL 40 Fire Guard Roller Shutters

Maverick Roller Products is the leading manufacturer of roller shutters, grilles and folding enclosures in Australia, with a vast network of installers, service technicians and distributors across the country. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality products with extensive warranties that can be used in domestic and commercial applications. Our impressive BAL 40 fire guard roller shutters are top-of-the-line shutters, which pass the rigorous Australian Standard AS 3959-2009 for construction in bushfire-prone areas and create an extremely robust fire barrier for your property.

Aesthetically, the BAL 40 shutters integrate beautifully with the interior of any home, with colour options ranging from black, white, sand, cream, anodised, and woodland grey finishes. Depending on shutter size, the compact pelmets range from just 165-250mm and can, therefore, be installed almost anywhere in the home. 

But the convenience doesn’t stop there – BAL 40 fire guard roller shutters integrate the latest smart control systems capable of smartphone operation, so you can protect your home with the support of an app wherever you are.

Protect Your Home Now

Fire shutters are a wise investment for increasing home, business, or workplace safety. From residential properties to industrial facilities full of combustible materials, installing these robust barriers provides invaluable protection of life and assets in case of fire while letting you proactively address fire risks and fulfil regulatory obligations for industries across Australia.

Don’t leave your property vulnerable to the unpredictable danger of fires. Install fire guard roller shutters and let their steel strength fortify your asset. Contact Maverick Roller Shutters today at 02 9755 4055 to start safeguarding what matters most, or visit our website to learn more about protecting your building as best as possible.

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